Product Help

WT-103 FR-10
How can Firetect save me money?
All decorative fabric has to be flame-retarded. When a designer purchases fabric that is already flame-retarded, it is marked up more than once. Designers can save thousands of dollars by purchasing their fabric with no flame-retardant and allow Firetect to treat and certify it for them. Why pay more to the fabric distributor?
What is the process when I would like to have Firetect flame-retard my fabric?
When is the best time for Firetect to apply their fire-retardant when application is done at the Firetect Warehouse? (off-site application) (link to off-site application page)
Drop ship your bolt fabric to Firetect, or Firetect will arrange local pick-up from your fabric supplier. Firetect will apply and certify the bolted fabric and send it back to your fabricator for sewing.
Does on-site flame-retarding create a mess?
The client is responsible for covering all areas that they do not want to come in contact with the flame-retarant. Our technicians will do their best to prevent over-spray. The flame-retardant is water based – so any metal that is exposed should be covered to prevent tarnish.
How long will it take to dry?​​
Depending upon the atmospheric conditions and ventilation, we recommend 24 hours for dry time.
How often do my decorative materials need to be treated?
What is, “IFR” fabric?
IFR fabric is, “Inherently Flame Retardant Fabric”. A fabric is categorized as IFR if woven with threads that yield a product that meets fire code standards, without being subject to any special processing or addition of chemicals. IFR fabrics are expected to remain flame retardant for their lifetime. It is a synthetic fabric that has flame-retardant made into the solution as it is manufactured. Although IFR fabric is supposed to hold its flame resistancy, Firetect often has to re-treat IFR fabric because it sustains a flame.
Be sure to get your IFR fabric treated to maintain flame resistancy.
How long does it take and how soon in advance do we need to schedule the application?
Firetect works around your hours of operation. Firetect offers emergency 24 hour service, (additional charges may apply). The emergency 24 hour service phone number is 661/510-0255. It is best to let Firetect know approximately when we will be receiving a job in order to provide the best possible service and meet time constraints.
Will Firetect be able to meet the fire codes for our event?
Yes, Firetect will be able to comply with all required fire codes for drapery, decorative fabrics, etc. If the fabric is attached to the wall with glue or permanently affixed, different fire codes may apply.
What is the different between WT-103 and FR-10? Aren't they the same?
The two products are very similar, however, WT-103 has a matte (or flat) finish and FR-10 has a semi-gloss finish. Here is a side-by-side comparison on Cherry stained wood: